Dental Sealants for Adults

Anyone who has teeth, or even one tooth, can experience tooth decay. That means about 5% of adults between the ages of 20 and 64 are immune to it. The sad truth is that those adults have no teeth. In the 65 – 74 age group that figure reaches 30%. By age 44, about 70% of American adults have lost at least one tooth.

While more commonly offered to children, dental sealants for adults can be beneficial for individuals of all ages.

Tooth Decay

About 25% of adults have untreated tooth decay. Tooth decay and gum disease are the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. Poor oral hygiene encourages these conditions. Individuals can minimize the risks of tooth decay and gum disease by maintaining a diligent oral hygiene regimen that includes regular brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits for cleaning and check-ups. However, Some adults are more prone to decay because of genetics and will have some no matter how perfect their oral hygiene practices are.

Individuals concerned by the development of cavities should discuss the possibility of dental sealants with Dr. V.


Back teeth (molars and premolars) are prime candidates for dental sealants. These teeth are more likely to experience tooth decay. “Sealants have been shown to reduce the risk of decay by nearly 80% in molars.”

It is often said that “prevention is the best medicine” and dental care is no exception to the rule. A dental sealant costs significantly less than getting a dental filling. Stopping tooth decay before it develops not only helps patients save money, it also promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Vitanov at Smile 24 Dentistry in Phoenix, AZ to see if dental sealants are right for you!

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